Dustin: I can't stop not listening to it.
Art Brut Fan 1: This band is in touch with everything I like about British pop/rock. If you enjoy newer bands like The Libertines, Babyshambles, Mando Diao, Futureheads, etc... Check out this album!!!
Dustin: Are you trying to convince me not to buy the album? Because a Babyshambles comparison is about as much of a compliment as telling your girlfriend she looks like Rhea Perlman.
Art Brut Fan 2: Eddie Argos' humorous lyrics and sometimes-sung, mostly-spoken vocals may initially make Art Brut seem like a novelty band or some kind of parody, but don't be fooled.
Dustin: Too late.
Art Brut Fan 2: If you like Britpop at all, don't be scared away by the unconventional frontman; you owe it to yourself to check out this outstanding record.
Dustin: If you like Britpop at all, you're probably scared by a cool breeze.
Art Brut Fan 3: This album blows me away. I can no longer imagine my CD collection without it.
Dustin: What would keep your Artic Monkeys CD company?
Art Brut Fan 4: Art Brut sounds like something out of the '80s British post-punk and if not for the date on the label, you wouldn't know the difference.
Dustin: Wait, wait, WAIT A SECOND! A band... today... that sounds like they're from... the '80s? NO! That's insane! That's sheer brilliance! Who would have ever thought to bring back that sound? Only a true genius, only a complete master of originality could have had such an idea! Forget music, these guys should be working on cold fusion! They should be planning our colonization of Mars! I thought it was a joke when they said they'll bring peace to the Palestinians and Israelis, but now I see that they weren't kidding! Boy oh Babyshambles!
Almost makes me wish I liked Babyshambles or was in love with Pete Doherty...just for hilarity's sake. Well done, sir. Btw, I like Art Brut.
Dustin! Picking on innocent 14 year olds like that....you should be ashamed of youself.
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