Thursday, May 11, 2006

Whatevs: Dude vs. Who Bout Somethin

Dude: Hey remeber that album by that guy? That sucked.

Who: No way, that was awesome. I liked the part with the songs.

Dude: You are dumb. There were way too many cymbals and too much guitaring.

Who: You look like a foreskin. That was the best album of all time. It makes me cry and think of sunshine.

Dude: What about track four?

Who: Yeah that one sucks donkey balls.

Dude: You suck donkey balls. That's the only good track on the album. I played it at my wedding.

Who: How could you have played it at your wedding when you're still a virgin? Also, how can you have herpes when you've never kissed a girl?

Dude: I got it from your mom, when I was laying pipe in her backyard. I played track four during that too.

Who: You're a plumber?

Dude: No, I do landscaping mostly.

Who: Do you like music?

Dude: No.

Who: Me also.


Anonymous said...

"You look like a foreskin..." Awesome.

Russ Wishtart said...

Winner: Dude.