Flustin: Oh, heaven forbid someone changes their style one tenth of one degree, you pompous ass.
Dustin: Hey, their last album was chill and spacey and awesome. How am I supposed to chill out when they're blasting me in the face with double bass?
Flustin: They're doing something creative to a repetitive genre. How many more of the same dub albums can you have? Hey, awesome, another 60 minutes of no vocals and echoing snare shots. Dude, they're giving dub a kick in the ass.
Dustin: I'll give you a kick in the ass. And yeah, those are some really great changes on this album. Let's make a song that sounds like it was written by Incubus and get Mike Patton to sing over it. Mike Patton! Who is more washed up than him? He'll do anything. Give me ten minutes and I'll get him to write the next entry for this blog.
Flustin: I find that hard to believe considering the contents of this post. Anyway, I like that song. It's catchy and it reminds me of Faith No More. And Mike Patton is talented and does cool stuff with Bjork and Rhazel.
Dustin: I like when he plays with Mr. Bungle and does ten minutes of screaming. That's awesome. Almost as awesome as one and a half minute tracks of wanna-be Pennywise rips.
Flustin: That was one track and so what, it's balanced out by the next track, which is seven minutes of your lovely traditional dub. Look, this is a solid album by a trio of talented musicians who are actually trying to innovate. Half of it rocks, half of it is stoner space out music. It's good. Admit it.
Dustin: Nope. I hate everything and I hope you die.
Flustin: Well, tough titties for you then.
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