Jay: To each his own.
Dustin: I'll battle you on this right now.
Jay: "Sun is Shining" is an affirmation of all that is positive in our brief life. A critical reading:
"I'm walking down an empty road, and I don't know, where it's leading to, my heart is beating faster and I'm searching, for the truth, gravity keeps pulling me and time is standing still, golden rays are shining, on you."
We know not where our journey goes in life or where it will end, but this song exemplifies the fact that as long as there is true love in the world (and for the narrator), it doesn't really matter which direction your life takes. Any nervousness or fear about the future unknown is quelled by the narrator's knowledge that "golden rays are shining" on his love. A beautiful statement.
"The sun is shining down on me, now I feel you, the rain is falling over me, and I feel only you... The sun is shining down on me (the sun is shining down on me) now I feel you (now I feel you) the rain is falling over me (the rain is falling over me) and I feel only you... (and I feel only you...)"
No weather can deter the narrator's love for his one. Sweltering heat? Torrential downpour? It matters not.
"Spinning round i feel the heat, rising up, deep inside of me, look around and soon you'll feel the very air, that I breathe, your mind and soul is all around, I sense you are so near, now golden rays are shining on me"
As if you weren't happy before?!?! Now because his true love is close to him, the golden rays are now on him! See, the chorus had rain on him, a negative symbol. But now, now that his one feels his air, he is in a state of total bliss.
Musically, the beat echoes the author's mood brilliantly. Starting off minimal and moody during the narrator's self-reflection, the track explodes in exuberant enthusiasm to match the narrator's realization on the proximity on that which makes him most happy. It is a burst of sonic life. It is a shaman, acting as a vessel between the mind + soul. It accomplishes what all good house music strives for: the celebration of movement, dance and life.
Dustin: First of all, let it be known that this song came from a CD called Ultra Dance Vol 5, Disc 2. That right there pretty much says it all, but I will add more because it's rare to find such an easy target.
Here is my interpretation of this track. As you can tell from the music, it's clearly the theme song to the Pokémon cartoon. Now let us reconsider the lyrics with this in mind.
In the first verse, we are introduced to the main character Jay, a Pokémaster in training. He has no Pokémon of his own, but he's looking to capture one in the forest, and can feel that he's on to something.
In the second verse, it's sunny out, yet it is raining, so we can only assume Jay has encountered a wild Pokémon with some sort of water-based power.
In the final verse, Jay is hit by a powerful blast of hot air that sends him spinning through the air, where he is assaulted by golden rays. Clearly he has enraged a sleeping Pikachu with his awful spring break house anthem and is about to be deservingly electrocuted.
The moral of this story - you are a pussy.
Jay: I've never seen Pokémon so that entire thing is lost on me. I will accept your moral though. You are all yin, no yang. I balance my musical palette. Closed mouths don't get fed.
Dustin: I've never seen Pokémon either. I just know that it's for little kids and so is this song. Dude, you used to make fun of people who listened to this stuff. What happened to you?
Jay: When did i ever make fun of people who rock this?
Dustin: Every time some loser rolls down the street pumping KTU. That's what this is, you just don't realize it for some reason. This isn't Daft Punk or Basement Jaxx - this is what they play at the gym.
Jay: Okay, let me give full disclosure. This was the jam I was listening to in The Hague just before I bungee jumped into the North Sea. The music fit the mood nicely as I envisioned myself jumping in slo-mo with this playing in the background. I make no excuses. It's still great. But that might contribute to my enjoyment.
I would like to go on the record that this "battle" was heavily edited by Dustin (not coincidentally the curator of this blog) and does not reflect the true nature of our discussion. Dustin, consciously or not, has clearly edited this to the point of blatant bias to reflect a tone that I do not approve of.
Plus, no one knows the song so we might as well battle over a poem I wrote in high school.
Bring it on. I bet your high school poems sucked big time (although I do like some of your earlier work).
PS Stop snitchin'
Jay. Dude. You're a pussy.
Don't write shit like that man.
This song blows. The guy keeps saying "down on me". I don't want to hear that shit. That's fucking disgusting.
Besides, they're just ripping off Cher.
Pull yourself together son. We don't want to lose you here. You're a good man. Get it together.
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